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Expanding your Korean vocabulary with Apt. by Rosé and Bruno Mars

Jan 10, 2025 Ian

Learning a new language is about discovering the rich and varied ways words can be used in different contexts. Today, we’ll explore the extensive vocabulary introduced in Apt. by Bruno Mars and Rosé. Spoiler: it’s all 아파트.


1. 아파트 (noun)

Definition: Apartment.
The fundamental building block of the song’s vocabulary. 아파트 is used to describe a place of residence, commonly high-rise buildings in urban areas.


  • 저는 아파트에 살아요. (I live in an apartment.)

2. 아파트 (location)

Definition: A specific meeting place.
In Korean, 아파트 can be used to indicate a place where people gather. Context clues in the lyrics suggest this usage is crucial for making plans.


  • 아파트에서 만나요. (Let’s meet at the apartment.)

3. 아파트 (event)

Definition: A venue for gatherings or celebrations.
The song highlights how 아파트 can transform into a space for social events, showcasing its flexibility in modern culture.


  • 오늘 아파트에서 파티해요. (We’re having a party at the apartment today.)

4. 아파트 (philosophy)

Definition: A central concept in life.
Through consistent emphasis, the song elevates 아파트 beyond a physical space to a metaphor for connection and experience.


  • 인생은 아파트처럼 층층이 쌓여요. (Life is layered like an apartment building.)

5. 아파트 (universality)

Definition: A shared cultural reference point.
Whether you’re learning Korean or navigating daily life in Korea, 아파트 is an essential word that transcends linguistic barriers.


  • 아파트는 어디에나 있어요. (Apartments are everywhere.)


The start of the song starts with “채영이가 좋아하는 랜덤 게임, 랜덤 게임”, which translates to “Chaeyoung’s favorite random game, random game.”. This is a common way to start a game (especially a drinking game!)

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