Ever found yourself wanting to say, “I want to eat three bowls of 떡볶이,” “I need to find the nearest 편의점 at 2 a.m.,” or “I have to text my friend about the latest K-drama cliffhanger”? Let’s make sure you’re ready for these situations in Korean!
“I Want To”
To say “I want to,” you use -고 싶다. Just attach it to the end of a verb.
- 먹고 싶어요 = I want to eat.
- 가고 싶어요 = I want to go.
- 보고 싶어요 = I want to see or watch.
It’s that simple! Think of all the scenarios you can use this in:
- “I want to buy every cute stationery item in this store.” = 귀여운 문구를 다 사고 싶어요.
- “I want to nap under this tree for three hours.” = 나무 아래서 세 시간 자고 싶어요.
“I Need To”
For “I need to,” use -야 하다 or -야 되다.
- 해야 해요 = I need to do it.
- 가야 해요 = I need to go.
- 만나야 해요 = I need to meet someone.
Real-world Uses:
- “I need to eat something before I pass out.” = 기절하기 전에 뭔가 먹어야 해요.
- “I need to explain why I bought another K-pop album.” = 왜 또 K팝 앨범을 샀는지 설명해야 해요.
“I Have To”
This one’s pretty similar to “I need to.” You also use -야 하다 or -야 되다.
- 지금 가야 해요 = I have to go now.
- 먼저 전화해야 해요 = I have to call them first.
In Korean, the line between “need to” and “have to” is a little blurry, so don’t stress about it too much.
Fun Examples:
- “I have to binge-watch the rest of this drama tonight.” = 오늘 밤에 드라마를 다 봐야 해요.
- “I have to find out who ate my last slice of pizza.” = 누가 내 마지막 피자 조각을 먹었는지 알아내야 해요.
Bonus: Combining These Phrases
You can also get creative and combine these with 싶다 to say things like “I want to try…” or “I think I need to…”
- 먹어 보고 싶어요 = I want to try eating it.
- 해야 할 것 같아요 = I think I need to do it.
Practice Time!
Here are a few scenarios to practice:
- “I want to order a giant 빙수.”
- 큰 빙수를 주문하고 싶어요.
- “I need to find my phone before my mom calls again.”
- 엄마가 다시 전화하기 전에 핸드폰을 찾아야 해요.
- “I have to figure out why my Korean homework has 10 red Xs on it.”
- 왜 내 한국어 숙제에 빨간 X가 열 개나 있는지 알아내야 해요.